
Thursday, March 04, 2004


Special Offers Only at the Palm Store!

I found a nice Member Forum and thought we would give it a try. We will cover Wireless Phones. Bluetooth etc, not just Palm PDA's. Yes, there is plenty of these "forums"surrounding the Palm and Wireless community, but I think we can do it better. And we are at least going to try. So, pop on over and register, remember once your favorite online name is gone, it's gone, so do not delay. Please send me suggestions for topics, what you would like to see and remember THE SKY'S THE LIMIT!!

ADDED: Bonus I have a few "gifts" that I have been given in the way of Palm Cases and Synch\Charging cords, so I think I will be giving away those at random to those who register, so you never know!! Also, we well NEVER sell your name or abuse your info. It is strictly for the Forums use.
See ya soon at http://kickme.to/wirelessworld, Palm Place Users Forum-Ron Pendleton WebMaster, Palm Place and Wireless World

-Ron Pendleton WebMaster, Palm Place and Wireless World

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